Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Marching Band

It's a troubling fact of academia that hard-sought successes are met with very little fanfare.

There are no medal ceremonies, no awards speeches, no product sponsorships. One must be responsible for patting oneself on one's back and, as you might imagine, it can be hard to reach.

I would like to thank my friend then for sending me this marching band as a form of congrats. Check out the twirler who almost goes the wrong way in the beginning. Adorable and a great metaphor for life's little tumbles.

I am not sure why all the twirlers are white girls and the drummer black boys, though. That's a little disturbing. Or why they look like they are in pain.

Oh now, look at me overanalyzing my marching band!

I hope you enjoy it.


1 comment:

David said...

Perhaps one might mention on facebook that one has posted on the blog, if one is only going to post every so often. Then there might be more fanfare! Of course that is no excuse for other ones who knew one had finished but yet didn't sufficiently cheer.
