Friday, November 21, 2008

The Point of the Blog...

In Don DeLillo's White Noise, the main character, Jack Gladney, gets angry at his wife, Babette, for lying to him. He says to her over and over again, "The whole point of Babette is that she speaks to me, she reveals and confides." The most important part of the phrase is his reiteration of the language "the whole point" and "this is the point."
So at the risk of repeating myself, I would like to review the whole point of the blog.
1. The whole point of the blog is to make you feel informed.
2. The whole point of the blog is to make you feel confident.
3. The whole point of the blog is to make you feel like you have enough background information so that you can engage in conversations with me.
4. The whole point of the blog is NOT to make you feel guilty if you don't read the blog. There is no need to confess, "I have not read your blog" and walk away sheepishly. I swear, the point of the blog is NOT to give you something else to do.
5. The whole point of the blog is NOT for you to feel like you can't ask questions because it demonstrates that you have not read the blog.

In sum, the blog is a tool to use (or ignore) in a way that is best for you. The point of the blog is to give you background information so that you feel more comfortable speaking with me about my project. Whether you read the blog or not, however, I will happily engage in vast, bottomless monologues on my dissertation until your cry mercy. The point of the blog is, if you fee like it, some of my monologue will be familiar to you.

The point of the blog is that it is a service to you. Use it as you see fit. But by no means let it make you feel bad.

This is the point of the blog.

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