Friday, November 28, 2008

Burnt Toast

Some time ago, Amy Shaw recommended Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day. Thanks for the book recommendation, Amy! The writer argues that you can't necessarily write a dissertation only working on it for fifteen minutes a day but she does say that the best way to get it done is to write every day, at least a little bit. I find this advice is very helpful; I believe I have often posted about momentum and how working even a small amount every day helps tremendously. I also notice that when I write for significantly more than fifteen minutes a day, as in say spending fourteen consecutive days trying to get fellowship applications out the door, I can't write at all. Not one bit. Not a word. Then, I lose momentum, hope in my productivity and a general positive state of mind. In other words, writing too little AND too much can cause harm, perhaps best exhibited by my need to watch National Treasure 2 from 12 - 2 a.m. last night.
So, I am totally burnt out, intellectually exhausted, and I haven't taken a look at my chapter in about a week. After I finally finish this last application, which has been tortuous, I am going to see Quantum of Solace, celebrate Dave's birthday and look forward to the time when my brain doesn't hurt.
And a special PUBLIC apology to Lauren Neefe, who I audibly scoffed at when she suggested I take "a week off." Yeah, I needed to and I needed you to tell me and thanks for not believing me when I said I didn't need such a thing. And one last thanks for NOT telling me I told you so when I confessed to you earlier today how right you were.

1 comment:

Daisy Prescott said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Dave! I know this isn't his blog but please pass along our birthday salutations! And may I ask, Quantum Solace for Dave's birthday? Or a little Daniel Craig for Lauren?! xo