Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I'm Reading Now: Camera Works

Welcome to the first edition of this regular feature. I am finding that "reading" does not mean starting and finishing a book. Rather, I read chapters, put books down, read chapters in new books, return to previous books, reread selections. My library is a buffet and I'm the guy in Momento who often can't remember a book's content after 10 minutes later. I should tattoo notes on my body. I'l settle for Zotero.
Right now I am reviewing Camera Works by Michael North. North's book helped majorly with my proposal. When of my struggles has been rationalizing my linkage between photographs and texts. I need to provide evidence that there is a relationship since, for example, I don't have a book that says Stein saw this Man Ray photograph on that day and said, "I am influenced by this." North writes that photography, among other new recording devices, "revealed an inherent instability in the relationship of human perception to reality" (9). My favorite chapter in this book is the one on The Great Gatsby. He talks about Nick (the narrator) as a voyeur . Reading into the narrative from Nick's perspective, North sees it as evidence of a new way of seeing. I want to make the same seamless link between the main character in Rhys' Voyage in the Dark and the concept of women as endlessly reproducible (as they are in photographs).
If you haven't read The Great Gatsby in a while, it is worthy of rereading. It's one of the best books ever written, I think, and Fitzgerald's concept of America still holds true today. Plus, you probably did not get all the sex parts when you first read in high school.


Daisy Prescott said...

As you know I LOVE The Great Gatsby. And agree that it withstands multiple re-readings. Stupid high school english classes for ruining it for many. LOVE it!

David said...

Happy birthday!